uberAssist Graduation

Uber drivers went for uberAssist Training It was fun attending uberASSIST training at Econ Life Hub Havelock Road #01-25 Singapore 161051 . Not only we learned how to wash our hands properly , we also learned about how to assist wheelchair bound passenger into the car. There was also 15 minute break in between the training where we could help ourselves to the refreshment (coffee, cakes, fruits etc) After our training, we were also given a certificate as shown below: As the turnout was quite a big one, it was tough to have our photo taken. Nevertheless, we still managed to squeeze ourselves at one corner before our picture was taken as shown below: Everyone was happy as they learned a lifeskill which they can apply to the real world. Most of the participants here are likely a full time uber drivers as the training time was from 10am - 1pm (where most of the part timers are working in their office cubicles) After the training was comple...