Time, location and money freedom

Most of the time, while ubering passenger from point A to point B, those who chit chatted with me, 9 out of 10 will ask me this question, "Are you driving full time or part time?"

I know most people are sick and tired of their jobs, bosses or the salary they are getting.........

Also, according to statistic, majority of the Uber drivers in Singapore are part timers.

Some, if not most of them wanted to become a full time Uber driver, however, majority are unwilling to forgo the medical benefits, annual leave etc they are getting from a company they are working for.

"So what really are the benefits of being a full timer Uber driver?", you may be wondering.

Let me share with you some of the benefits listed below (in my personal opinion):

  • I can wake up anytime I wanted to
  • I can take leave anytime (without the need to apply through a system or check with my boss's schedule)
  • I decide how much money I wanted to make
  • I can meet my loved ones for coffee at anytime or any place that I want
  • I no longer need to bring loads of work back home
  • I have no deadline to meet
  • I do not need to check company's emails when I go oversea for holiday
  • I can choose to enjoy every precious moments with my kids
  • I can adopt a minimalistic lifestyle as I only require a phone to work
  • I get to learn from all walks of lives
  • I get to drive around and try out all awesome foods in Singapore
There are probably too many benefits here to list down. All these are my thoughts at the point of writing all these.

How long have you being ubering in Singapore? What are the other benefits you are enjoying right now which are not listed here?

Or have you been contemplating to become a uber driver for quite some time?

If you do, click on the below banner to sign up now and enjoy the lifestyle of being a Uber driver:


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