Operation FOMOPLAY

Unusual Promo Code "FOMOPLAY"

Some of you might already know what does "FOMO" stands for. As for those who don't, let me explain; FOMO basically is an acronym stands for "Fear Of Missing Out".

It could also means "anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on social media" as explained by dictionary.

So what's so special about FOMO and why am I talking about it?

Well, most uber drivers have observed and commented that these few days were exceptionally quiet. For most of the entire days, its either no surge or no request (aka no ping) at all!

So for those full-time uber drivers, how are they going to hit their target?

Luckily, uber promo code "FOMOPLAY" is coming to the rescue!

For the entire 12 hours (9am - 9pm) 28th Dec 2017, you will get $5 off "unlimited" uber rides. Once you applied the promo code "FOMOPLAY" onto your uber rider app, you would be able to get it as shown on the above picture.

The word unlimited was in quotation mark in my above paragraph is because you are only entitled to 51 trips (to be exact) with SGD5 OFF during 9am - 9pm. But tell me, who can finish using 51 rides in 12 hours? Unless you can request for 4 uber rides per hour!

Operation FOMOPLAY execution!

Even with this unusual promo code given but if there aren't many riders using it, how great or beneficial could it be to our comrades?

Well, someone has to create "fake uber request demand"!

Tell me, who's willing to forgo their precious time or giving up their CK (Cash King) to do this?

Call me crazy, bo liao (aka super boring) or stupid. I did a social experiment by using as much FREE ride as I could to create "jobs" for our uber drivers.

Overall, I requested 14 uber rides and spent a total amount of $0.20 for the entire day.

Why am I doing all these? You might be wondering........

As I mentioned earlier, it's a social experiment. I didn't gain much out of all these "literally".

What I have learned as an uber rider

I have been driving uber for quite sometime and it is only once in a blue moon I take uber ride.

However, today I have the opportunity to become an uber rider for the entire day!

Let me share what I have learned as an uber rider:

  • If you choose to cancel your driver and if your driver is already on the way, you will be charged $6 cancellation fee
  • If your driver cancel on you, and you are late from your ETA (Estimated Time Arrival), your cancellation fee will be waived
  • The ETA you see on your uber rider app is adjusted in real time (based on when the driver is coming to pick you up)
  • Don't assume your driver know your exact location, most of them just follow the GPS in their uber driver app to reach to your location
  • You can find out more about your uber driver (i.e their lifetime trips, ratings, compliments by other riders etc) by looking into their profile

Connection with fellow comrades

As I wanted to find out more about our fellow comrades, I did ask some of the uber drivers questions:

Below are some of the interesting stories and answers I got:

  • I was retrenched from IBM and couldn't find a job for 1 year
  • I quit my full time job because I don't like my boss and chose to become an uber driver
  • I drive uber part time because my company don't pay me well
  • I just returned back to Singapore after stayed in Malaysia for several years
Sorry for those who fetched me and didn't know that I'm an uber driver too (I didn't disclose my identity during all those trips). If you found out your stories are being shared here, please don't be angry (nobody knows you leh), you can add me as a friend or welcome to join our Purely Uber Drivers groupchat too.

I shall see you on the other side!

Drive safe on the road!


  1. Now I came to know "FOMO" what actually it is and thanks for sharing this great piece of informative post. Great! Manchester airport parking deals


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