Ever Thought Of Giving Up Ubering?

it's all about the journey

It's all about the journey! 

If you ask me, have I ever thought about doing something else beside ubering, I would be lying to you if I said "NO!"

Lots of time, I feel like giving up being a uber driver and perhaps do something else.

The thoughts come more frequent especially when my incentives get very low that I think literally it's not worth my time to drive anymore and this was made worse when I had bad encounters with nasty passengers. 

However, once a while, when I looked at all these comments below given by my passengers, it really keeps me motivated and going.

Uber riders' compliments

Some of the 5 star comments can be quite interesting too; such as "Don't forget to go to church", "This driver deserves a 6 star" etc.

Of cos, it's really great to get positive and motivating comments from riders.

However, I think sometimes in order for me to improve my ownself, probably I wouldn't mind riders to give specific feedbacks on the area that I can improve on.

How about you? Do you have any interesting or weird comments from riders?

Come on and share with me your great and horrible experiences, I'm pretty sure you have more than mine if you have been ubering for at least more than a year.


  1. Good post to share Uber complaints screenshots that sometimes make us upset Uber rider so can we compare Manchester airport parking complaints with this?


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