Even The CEO Starts Driving Uber

When the CEO starts to drive Uber

Is the economy that bad?

Is the economy that bad that even the CEOs start driving Uber? You probably have heard that profession like teachers, lawyers, doctors, bankers etc start driving Uber.

Is the economy that bad? or all these guys just do it for fun?

For those veteran drivers, they have been enjoying the ultimate freedom that Uber gives them.

But for CEOs to give up their millions dollars salary just to drive Uber? That doesn't make sense! What are they up to?

Uber CEO Kalanick Argues With Driver Over Falling Fares

Some of you might still remember the news about the CEO of Uber, Kalanick argues with driver regarding about the fares which keep getting worse as shown in the video below:

And true enough! Uber's fares have been getting from bad to worse for weeks in Singapore!

So is it true that some of the drivers actually are Uber's directors or management staffs? Or CEOs from companies with affiliate interest? Are they just trying to have a sense of feel what drivers are going through?

Or rather, some CEOs have already made enough money and they just want to have a different taste of life?

Be it CEOs driving for fun or any of them having any self interest (some invested so much in Uber's private equity), as a Uber driver, better give your honest feedback if you ever fetch any suspicious rider (might be mystery rider from the Uber's management team)

And well, don't be surprise even CEO starts driving Uber. It's kinda a different type of fun and experience for them!


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