Longest Trip With A Single Passenger

longest trip with uber

Longest ever trip with UBER

After dropping off a passenger whom I picked up from Paragon Mall to 1 Raffles Link (I also learned a short cut instead of turning one big round), I got a request coming from HSBC Building

And it literally took me more than 5-6 mins (which indicated in the Uber Map) to reach there as I need to make a "U-turn" at Cross Street towards Robinson Road then to HSBC.

"Good day, Sir. May I know where are we heading?" I asked.

"Heading back home at Punggol. Thanks!" he replied.

"Wow, so early you knocked off from work?" I asked (as usual the kaypoh me who is curious about everything and anything)

"I'm going back home as I left out something, could you please fetch me back again? I just need 5 mins to collect my stuff" he asked.

"Should't be an issue, I think the traffic will be fine during the timing we head back to city" I said.

After we arrived his home at Punggol area, while he went up and get his stuff. I came out from my car and give myself a good stretch. At the same time, enjoying the nice and beautiful scenery around me (Singapore is really a beautiful city if you really have the time to "smell the roses"). 

Soon, the passenger came down with his stuff. 

"Can we go to another place around Bukit Timah?" he asked.

After some thought as I analyse the traffic, I agreed to his request.

So, it took us around another 25 mins to reach the second location (along Cheong Chin Nam Road).

After some ding dong here and there around Cheong Chin Nam Road (we spent about 5-10 minutes looking for a particular shop there), we then proceeded back to his office at HSBC.

"Thanks for the trouble," said the passenger.

"It's my pleasure, Sir" I replied gracefully. (actually I also want to set a record breaking trip personally, I have never done that before!)

And YES! After I ended the trip, this is my personal breaking record for the longest trip with a single passenger!

And not only that, if you look carefully on the map as shown in the picture above. I had successfully drawn a beautiful heart shape while Ubering in Singapore! 

(",) WOW! 

Have you ever drove for more than 1 hour 42 minutes 48 seconds? Are you able to break this record?


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