Can't Request A Ride

Recently, I couldn't request for a ride about few days after I came back from holiday. Therefore I emailed Uber and highlight to them about this issue.

The below screenshot shows their reply. I couldn't recall clearly as I might signed in my account through other mobile phone or it could be I'm using my credit card to pay for my wifey's rides under her account.

Have this ever occur to you? Why Uber works best when an individual has a single account with "Unique Payment" (does it refer to personal credit card?) profile and mobile device?

Monday, May 8, 2017 at 1:56:11 PM · uberX 
Thanks for reaching out, Yori. I understand that you're unable to sign in to your account. Allow me to help. 
I have checked your account and it seems that your registered device is associated with different accounts, which might have alerted our system to automatically freeze either access to the account or requesting a ride. Please be advised that we highly discourage multiple accounts since Uber works best when an individual has a single account with unique payment profile and mobile device.

Never take any ride with Uber?
Your first Uber ride is FREE (up to SGD10) with invite code 'yoriw2ue'. Enjoy! 
Please watch video on how to use Uber (请点击如何使用 Uber):


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