Operation FOMOPLAY

Unusual Promo Code "FOMOPLAY" Some of you might already know what does " FOMO " stands for. As for those who don't, let me explain; FOMO basically is an acronym stands for " Fear Of Missing Out ". It could also means " anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on social media " as explained by dictionary. So what's so special about FOMO and why am I talking about it? Well, most uber drivers have observed and commented that these few days were exceptionally quiet. For most of the entire days, its either no surge or no request (aka no ping) at all! So for those full-time uber drivers, how are they going to hit their target? Luckily, uber promo code "FOMOPLAY" is coming to the rescue! For the entire 12 hours (9am - 9pm) 28th Dec 2017, you will get $5 off "unlimited" uber rides. Once you applied the promo code " FOMOPLAY ...