Private Hire Car Driver's Vocational Licence (PDVL)
PDVL EXAM Yesterday 29th January 2018, I just took my PDVL exam. I was very nervous as I told myself I do not want to waste time and money to retake again. Therefore, just one day before ( which was Sunday) the exam, I studied real hard. I studied all the highlighted portion (which our trainer, Ken told us to highlight) and also did the online mock papers . As I was told by someone that there are total 4 sets of paper per exam , so in order for me not to miss out any of those, I did multiple times of revision online . Basically, the online platform which you can do your PDVL exam revision is @ TP Tests and the PDF copy of the FAQ private hire car driver's vocational licence commencement can be found here . One of the methods as told by our Purely Uber Drivers Group Chat member for Paper 2 revision is to try to practise till you get perfect score consistently because it is all about factual stuffs (demerit points, fine, suspensio...